Wednesday, March 7, 2012


There's so much going on!

Jazzercise -- I'm training (again) to be a Jazzercise instructor (again!)! I used to instruct when we lived in Iowa. I've regretted giving it up (both physically and socially) but now I'm back. The training isn't HARD per se, but in my current physical state it's more taxing than it needs to be. My mentor is amazing. Workshop is just a few weeks away.

Scentsy -- My business is BOOMING! My team grew a ton (ok, just 8) in February. I have a few theories as to why that is, which I'll touch on later. Scentsy in general is growing. New products and all that's very exciting. I'm so glad I joined.

Logan -- 4 years old and full of vim and vigor (that's the nice way of saying he has an attitude, right?). He's going to the CDC's part-day enrichment class twice a week. He's making friends. And growing up right before my eyes. He'll be in school in less than 18 months. Seems impossible.

Ian -- No real success on the potty training front. Every other day or so he'll actually pee in the potty. One day he pooped -- twice. But I certainly wouldn't let him go without a pull-up on. His speech is getting incredible -- full sentences and using words like "is" and knowing yours, mine, etc. Kinda feels like he just woke up and he could talk one day. The only concern we have is that little thing that connects your tongue to the bottom of your mouth...probably gonna have to have his clipped. He's got some extra skin, according to the dentist.

Eric -- Thankfully Eric's schedule has calmed down quite a bit. Work is ever-changing, as always, but he's home a lot more now. The kids and I appreciate it.

Faith -- This is the big one for me. I'm saved! I'm a baby born-again. HA! I never thought that was possible. But giving my life to God has given me some peace about a TON of stuff. I still worry about a lot, but not as hard as I used to. God will provide. God will take care of me. God will give, if only I ask. How cool is that? He is an awesome God, and I'm so thankful I am his beloved child. and Scentsy. Combined. FOR REAL!!!! My church offered a 90-day tithing challenge. Tithe for 90 days. If God doesn't bless you, we'll give you your money back! Great deal huh? I took it. THAT'S when my Scentsy business took off. February 1 there were 3 on my team. I think the tithing challenge started the 5th. From the 6th through the 24th, 8 more people joined my team. THE LORD IS AMAZING!!!!

My faith is growing. And I love it!

May God bless you as He has me :-)

1 comment:

  1. Very happy to see the trust in God for tithing came through. You know he said, "trust me in this" and i'm thrilled to see you experienced it. Great to see all around great things happening in your life.
